May 15, 2017

Work Smarter

1. Improve your time management skills
Easier said than done? Well, no actually, because there are a few simple rules that can really help you to manage time better. For example, when setting up a top priority task, you need to switch off the phone and ignore your email first. Then you need to abandon any ideas of multitasking as that will slow you down and ruin your focus. Finally, set a reasonable deadline and do everything in your power to meet it.

"When you’re born, you’re born with 30,000 days. That’s it. The best strategic planning I can give to you is to think about that.” -Sir Ray Avery

2. Speed up your typing and use shortcuts
These days we’re all keyboard slaves. So, why not speed up your typing and try to get rid of the two finger syndrome. This is exactly what I am doing now, so I cannot honestly say I am practicing what I preach! But help is at hand. One of the best sites is, which gets you going with free tutorials.

Using shortcuts on the keyboard is another time saver and can speed up your work. For example, press F2 to rename a selected file, while CTRL + I will put selected text in italics. There are so many of these; if you make the effort to learn them, they really can be helpful.

3. Learn how to use MACROS
It is well worth downloading this program because when you have to do a long series of boring repetitive tasks (especially with programs like Excel), a MACRO will do it with one click. Now that is really a great way of working smarter, not harder.

4. Use the phone more often
Instead of writing emails, it is often much better to pick up the phone and talk to the person responsible. It saves time. If that colleague works in the same office, it is even better to go and talk to him or her. It gives you a break, you get some exercise and you actually make human contact which is becoming quite rare in this electronic world.

5. Keep a tab on your tabs
If you are like me, you might well find that you have a ton of tabs open at the top of your browser. In order to find the one you want, you have to search for them as they are off screen. Having all these tabs open slows down your browser too. One solution is to use OneTab which can keep a neat list on the screen of all these tabs when you want to quickly get to one of them or you want to remind yourself which ones you have open.

6. Use a "to don’t” list
We all know about to do lists and I find that they are generally great. They give me a great sense of achievement as I cross off the tasks done. But often we find that we are doing nonessential tasks or ones that can easily be postponed. That is why many people recommend the to don’t list. Some people prefer to savagely prune the to do list while others prefer to have two separate lists, to do and to don’t. You just have to work out what works best for you when you are trying to save precious time to become more productive.

Posted by: okgirl at 07:14 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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